First, and foremost, we want to welcome Christine Chabot, who became our new
Operations Manager as of Monday, January 17th. She comes to us primarily from the busy Greenville hospitality industry and is seasoned at juggling lots of plates in the air. She is also a Bimmerphile, with her two Bimmers and a BMW motorcycle.
Christine will help keep our office organized by maintaining event and staff calendars. With the growth of our new museum, we realize that keeping everyone on schedule is the key to
our success.
She will also be the primary contact with our internal and external communications with the CCA, the BMW Spartanburg Factory, and our public visitors. She will help coordinate all aspects of communication with the goal of creating a stronger brand for the Foundation, including promoting the Museum membership, Garden donations, and donations to our Annual Fund.
Words from Christine:
“A little bit about me. I was born in Connecticut and moved to South Carolina in 1995. My Father was a mechanic and started teaching my siblings and I at a young age. He started with tools, screwdrivers vs wrenches, and then started teaching us how to fix things.
When I bought myself my first car, a 1987 325i, first thing to do was change the oil, check the brakes and change them as needed. He taught me to appreciate a car in good working order and to understand how to recognize when something needed to be fixed. From my first car to my present car, I still appreciate that I know the basics he taught me.
I have always loved BMW’s and was very excited to be welcomed into the BMW CCA Foundation. What more could a girl want than to be surrounded with awesome cars and awesome people? As I learn more and more about the Foundation and the history they have been fortunate enough to chronicle, I am overwhelmed with admiration for a company that started with airplane engines and now creates some of the most desired cars available.”